This week, two members of the Scapular Apostolate (Mary and Katie) traveled to Tyburn Academy in upstate New York to give a presentation about the Brown Scapular. Father Joseph Maurici enrolled 10 students in the Confraternity of the Brown Scapular and several students took Brown Scapulars home with them, for themselves and their families.
Praise God and Our Lord Jesus Christ for new members of the Confraternity! This is what the Scapular Apostolate is all about…spreading the word about Mary’s promise and enrolling as many people as possible in the Brown Scapular, just as Our Lady asked at Fatima!
We’re building a machine to fully automate the scapular-making process so that we can spend more time talking to parish organizations and schools about the Brown Scapular.
Click here to find out how you can help us build the machine and spread this devotion to Our Lady!